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Laptop and/or Internet Access Loan Application Form

Thank you for your interest in eChannel’s Laptop Loan Service.

This service loans laptops and internet access at no cost to eligible Ontario residents to complete their online eChannel courses.

Internet access is limited to a maximum of 50GB of data per month during the loan period. If you exceed the 50GB limit within any month during the loan period, your Internet access will be disabled, and you will need to return the modem immediately. If you have a loaned Contact North | Contact Nord laptop, it will also be disabled and will have to be returned.

You will be alerted when your Internet usage exceeds 40GB within a month.

Please answer the questions below to start your application.

Our supply of laptops and Internet modems to loan to Ontario residents is limited, and you may not receive a laptop or Internet modem immediately upon approval of your application.

We will review your application and confirm if you are eligible for the service and if we can supply the equipment immediately. If we cannot supply the equipment immediately, you will be placed on our wait list and notified as soon as equipment is available.

If your application is missing any information, we will email from or call you from 1-877-999-9149 to collect the information. Please provide the missing information to complete your application within five (5) business days. If the missing information is not received by this deadline, your application will be cancelled and you will need to start a new application.

It can take between 15 – 30 minutes to complete this form.